Sunday, May 29, 2016

A very interesting sci-fi novel

I read a book by author Peter Clines called The Fold.  After reading the back of the book, i have wanted to read this book for a long time.  I finally got a copy of it to review.  Let me say, that i loved the book.  It is definitely not a perfect book but it is definitely enjoyable.
I have watched the show Sliders; a show about parallel dimensions.  This book reminded me of an episode from sliders alot.  The Fold is a device used to travel across space in shorter time, but it ends up being a device for travelling to alternate dimensions.  
The ending is where things take a 90 degree turn.  All of a sudden we see creatures/.aliens that attack.  I did not expect this part of the story.  While it was still good, i was still disappointed with this part.  I thought they would talk about alternate universes more but they did not.  
Saying all this, i did like this book alot and would recommend it.  It does have alot of profanity, s if that offends you, be fair warned.
I received this book for free from bloggingforbooks.,com in exchange with an honest review.    

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A book on marriage, guys will actually read!

I love being married, but like every marriage, mine needs attention, and care.  Left unattended marriage can fall apart at worse or be sluggish at best.  Marriage books abound in this book frenzy world.  I just finished reading The Dude's guide to Marriage by Pastor Darrin and Amie Patrick.  They have written a very practical book.  Darrin writes the majority of the book and it definitely is written for men.  His wife Amie then puts her "two cents" in and writes from a wives perspective.  this is actually very helpful to read what most women need and what most women are thinking.
If you are looking for a book your husband will actually read, look no further.  This is the book you need to buy.  In fact, buy it and then read it together.  it will be fun
I received this book for free in exchange with an honest review from