Friday, August 29, 2014

book review: Dancing on the Head of a Pen by Robert Benson

I often write and have a dream of publishing a novel some day.  So I read every book that comes out about writing and the writing life.  I picked up Dancing on the head of a pen by Robert Benson won a whim because to be honest, i never heard of him before.
I loved this book.  it is an easy read and very practical and hands on.  Benson blends his story of learning about how to write himself with ideas i can use right now.
My favorite chapter was chapter four: on writing every day.  It helped me realize that it is very important to keep writing even if you feel it isnt that good.  Benson claims that just getting it down is very important.  I happen to agree.
If you are a writer or a wannabe like me, you will love this book.  and now that I have read this book I will pick up other Robert Benson books to see the books behind the man i read about.
I recieved this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah publishers and through the blogging for books website.  thanks to them! 

Friday, August 8, 2014

reviewing the marriage book by Doug Fields called "7 WAYS TO BE HER HERO"

Hey, I just got done reading the book, 7 ways to be her hero by Doug Fields.  This is a marriage book written by a guy for guys.  It is very hands on and practical.  Doug Fields writes in a very humorous way and he will make the guy who hates to read love this book.
If you are married and know other married men, buy this book for you and for them...SHHH, dont tell your wife you are reading it. Let it be a surprise.
I highly recommend this book for you if you want to invest into your marriage.  I got this book for free from  The booklook bloggers program.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Fiction book review: The Martian by Andy Weir

I do love a good sci-fi novel.  This one is no exception.  This is Andy Weir's first book, so we probably will see more of him in the future.
This book is like the show Lost, mixed with the the movie Cast Away and set on the planet Mars.  Mark Watney was fear dead and left on Planet Mars with limited resources and food.  This book is written in a journal entry style writing his adventures with survival and communication to earth.  Will Mark ever get back home?  Read the book and find out.
I loved this thing that might distract you is all the scientific and math words.  You might be bored with the first 25-50 pages but stick with it and you will enjoy the rest.  I highly recommend it for any Sci-Fi fan.
I received this book for free in exchange with an honest review from Blogging for