Monday, May 13, 2013

Chasing Francis: a book review

Hey all, I have just finished a great book by Ian Morgan Cron called, "Chasing Francis."
I read Cron's other book and was pleased to read this one.  I have to admit it is a reprint of his older book from another publisher.
This book is a journey of a pastor from a mega church that is more than burned out.  he has lost his faith in the local church and his faith in God.
As a pastor i have seen this scenario played out in others lives time and again.  even in my own journey of faith and doubt.  what is so fascinating from this book is you get a historical fiction.  you get a man whose journey is the same as St. Francis of Assisi.  What a wonderful trip around the world to find a man losing faith and finding it again by the end.
If you are human and you struggle in the faith  department i suggest you read this book and find your faith in God again.
I received this book  for free in exchange from Zondervan through for an honest review.