Once in a while a book comes across my desk that is great for me to read on a personal level. Then there are books that are great for me to recommend. Tough Guys and Drama Queens by Mark Gregston is a great book to read and recommend to others.
This book is recommended for parents of elementary age and teenagers. It is also recommended for Youth pastors, pastors and leaders. Keep one for your self and read it and then buy more for the parents in your ministry.
Let's face it: Teenagers are strange and who couldnt use a little help with them. Look no further than this book and it will help you not only survive but thrive through your teens weird years.
If you are a youth leader, your parents need a resource from you: this is thte book to give out. the parents will thank you.
This book is set up into three sections: Whats so different about the culture, Parenting practices to avoid, and Parenting practices that really work.
This book works because Gregston uses God's principles to parent. Buy it and you will not regret it
I was given this book for free fropm www.booksneeze.com in exchange for an honest review.
6 stars out of 5